Jeonghyun Woo

Systems and Architectures (STAR) Lab, The University of British Columbia (UBC)


Office: 4025 Fred Kaiser, UBC

Email: jhwoo36[@]

I am a Ph.D. student in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of British Columbia (UBC), working with Prof. Prashant Nair in the Systems and Architectures (STAR) Lab.

I am broadly interested in the areas of computer architecture and systems, security, reliability, and memory systems. I am particularly interested in enabling secure and reliable computing systems, and my current research interests include Silent Data Corruptions and Row Hammer attacks and defenses. I am also working on building high-performance and energy-efficient microarchitecture designs, including branch prediction and prefetching.

Before I joined UBC, I received my M.S. in Electronics and Computer Engineering at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2020. In my Master’s dissertation, I worked on developing a robust yet low overhead hardware-based Row Hammer mitigation method. I also received my B.S. in Electronic Engineering at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2018. In my Bachelor’s dissertation, I implemented an FPGA-based CNN accelerator using SDSoC.


Oct 12, 2023 Received Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award (GSI)!
May 22, 2023 Will be doing summer research internship at Micron!
Feb 20, 2023 Scalable and Secure Row-Swap won the Best Paper Award at HPCA’23!
Jan 30, 2023 Received a HPCA 2023 Student Travel Grant - Thank you HPCA!
Nov 17, 2022 Received Faculty of Applied Science Graduate Award (GSI)!
Oct 17, 2022 My first first author paper has been accpted at HPCA’23!
Sep 1, 2022 Officially joined UBC and started my Ph.D.!
Aug 18, 2022 Moved to a new website!

Selected Publications

  1. Scalable and Secure Row-Swap: Efficient and Safe Row Hammer Mitigation in Memory Systems
    Jeonghyun WooGururaj Saileshwar, and Prashant J. Nair
    In Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) 2023

    Best Paper Award 🏅

  2. HammerFilter: Robust Protection and Low Hardware Overhead Method for RowHammer
    Kwangrae Kim, Jeonghyun WooJunsu Kim, and Ki-Seok Chung
    In 2021 IEEE 39th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) 2021